ISSFAL is pleased to announce a new initiative that brings the expertise of the Society directly to you! Kicking off on January 20, 2021, ISSFAL will host monthly webinars on the third Wednesday of each month. The webinar series, entitled: Lipids Ωnline will be available to anyone with an interest in the objectives of ISSFAL and more importantly for you, is that is FREE to all.
Pre-registration will be required for each webinar. Registration will open in early January 2021 for our first webinar: MCT, Ketones and Brain Aging presented by Professor Stephen Cunnane, University of Sherbrooke, Canada. Attendees will have the opportunity to chat live with presenters as well as more formal Q&A. More details about our launch webinar are below. Webinars will cover a variety leading science related to dietary fats, oils and lipids. Because our presenters will be international in nature, times will vary for this offering on the third Wednesday of each month.
Once a webinar is completed, registration and other speaker details will open for the next month’s webinar. The remainder of the program for the first 6 months is being finalized and will be circulated also in early-January 2021.
We appreciate the work of our Webinar Task Force to bring this long awaited program to fruition, led by Bev Muhlhausler, ISSFAL Treasurer and Richard Bazinet, ISSFAL President.
Launch Presentation for Lipids Ωnline:
January 20, 2021| Time to Be Announced
MCT, Ketones and Brain Aging
Professor Stephen Cunnane
University of Sherbrooke, Canada
ISSFAL is an International Scientific Society established in 1991, of more than 500 members from more than 40 countries. ISSFAL members are scientists, medical professionals, educators, administrators, communicators and others with an interest in the health effects of dietary fats, oils and lipids; members include researchers carrying out studies on the health effects of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acids (CLA), saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids as well as other lipids. ISSFAL is the foremost International Scientific Society dealing exclusively with the health impact of dietary lipids.