The LSI just published following paper in Nature Metabolism
Lipidomics needs more standardization Modern mass spectrometric technologies provide quantitative readouts for a wide variety of lipid specimens. However, many studies do not report absolute lipid concentrations and differ vastly in methodologies, workflows and data presentation. Therefore, we encourage researchers to engage with the Lipidomics Standards Initiative to develop common standards for minimum acceptable data […]
Foundation of the international Lipidomics Society (iLS)
Foundation of the International Lipidomics Society (ILS): Dear Lipidomics Forum attendee, it is with great pleasure that we announce to host the foundation of the International Lipidomics Society (ILS) during our conference. The main aim of the society is to bring together the worldwide lipid community, and represent and promote lipidomics through worldwide cooperation and […]
Lipidomics standards initiative is part of the ILS
The LSI joins the International Lipidomics Society as an interest group. LSI aims to create guidelines for the major lipidomic workflows including sample collection, storage as well as data deconvolution and reporting. This is a community-wide effort covering methodological progress based on the input of researchers in the field. The guidelines/standards include the various analytical […]