We Love Lipids 2022

Join us for our 2022 series of tutorials by our team of experts covering a wide range of lipidomics topics.

Please use the following link to connect:


Meeting ID: 639 0747 6016
Passcode: 885449

Sessions will be recorded. Recordings will be made accessible to ILS members below.

If you would like to stay up-to-date with latest results from different areas of lipidomics research, check out our “1oo Minutes with ILS” format.

Check your local meeting time here.

Connection Details: Topic: ILS Tutorial Time: Jun 3, 2022 02:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Join Zoom Meeting https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/92788003930 Meeting ID: 927 8800 3930
December 16th 2022
How do we validate a lipidomic method?
Reproducibility/accuracy, LOD, linear range, calibration curves, species response, matrix effects, reference material

14 - 15 CET, 8 - 9 EST

Kim Ekroos & Candice Ulmer

Open participation

October 28th 2022
How do we quantify lipids?
Internal standards, how are they applied, application in different workflows

14 - 15 CET, 8 - 9 EST

Xianlin Han & Christer Ejsing

Open participation

September 23rd 2022
How does mass spectrometry help in lipidomics?
Mass spectrometric analysis; QQQ, HRMS, Type-II overlap, annotation, MS, MSMS, MSn, Imaging and the LSI checklist

14 - 15 CET, 8 - 9 EST

Harald Köfeler & Robert Ahrends

Open participation

Past Events

June 3rd 2022
How separation helps in lipidomics?
Separation techniques, RP, NP, HILIC, ECN model

14 - 15 CET, 8 - 9 EST

Michal Holčapek, Erin Baker & Yu Xia

Open participation

April 29th 2022
How do we preserve and extract lipids?
Preanalytics, extraction

14 - 15 CET, 8 - 9 EST

Jeff McDonald & Gerhard Liebisch

Open participation

February 18th 2022
Why we love lipids?
Introducing the series

14 - 15 CET, 8 - 9 EST

Part 1: Introduction to the ILS 2022 series on tutorials for lipidomics.

Kim Ekroos

Part 2: Introduction to Lipidomics, Lipidstructures, applications workflows;
steps in workfllow and checklist; intro and teaser for tutorial series

Markus Wenk & Kim Ekroos

Open participation

Recordings (please log in to access)