ILS Early Career Travel Award

The “ILS Early Career Travel Award” is a travel grant aimed at supporting young researchers in attending high-ranking international conferences.

The respective calls (see list on the right) are associated with a particular conference, as determined by the ILS Board. Members are encouraged to suggest respective conference to the board. Details and deadlines will be published on the ILS website. The award is intended to cover parts of the recipient’s travel, accommodation, and registration expenses.

How to apply

Applicants must be members of the ILS (students and early career postdocs) and must submit

  1. a short application letter (max 250 words),
  2. the conference abstract and
  3. a short CV. 

The submitted abstract must represent an outstanding contribution to the field of lipidomics.


The award committee consists of the following members:

  • ILS President
  • ILS VP for Early Career Representation
  • ILS VP for Education
  • ILS VP for Diversity and Inclusion
  • Up to two chairs of the specified congress / conference

The “ILS Early Career Travel Award” is endowed with up to € 2000. The amount awarded will be based on anticipated needs and will be announced with the travel award. The total amount reserved per year for Travel Awards is approximately € 4000.


The recipient / awardee is anticipated and will be invited to present her/his work at one of the regular ILS webinars.

Latest Open Calls for Application

Past Recipients

Xiaoyue Huang

Xiaoyue Huang is a PhD candidate from Metabolomics and Analytics Center, Leiden Academic Center for Drug Research, Leiden University, the Netherlands. She won the award for the conference contribution "Live single-cell mass spectrometry to study the metabolic mechanisms behind triple-negative breast cancer cell migration".

3rd ILS Society Conference and SMART Symposium on Structural Lipidomics

3rd ILS Conference, October 24th – 27th 2024, Shenzhen, China

Vannuruswamy Garikapati

Vannuruswamy Garikapati is a Research Associate in Andrej Shevchenko's group at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany. He received the award for his outstanding conference contribution titled "Membrane Lipids Turnover by Full Organism 15N Metabolic Labeling and Shotgun Ultra-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry".

3rd ILS Society Conference and SMART Symposium on Structural Lipidomics

3rd ILS Conference, October 24th – 27th 2024, Shenzhen, China

Kevin Huynh

Kevin Huynh is group leader in the metabolomics laboratory at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute in Melbourne, Australia. He won the award for his conference contribution "Identifying and Addressing Technical Challenges in Alignment of Plasma Lipidomic Datasets Across Platforms and Clinical Studies".